Frank is a terrific educator who takes the responsibilty of teaching health care providers very seriously. He ensures our staff stays current on all of the latest lifesaving procedures and techniques. We are fortunate to have Frank here to ensure we stay a cutting edge leader in the EMS field. Tim Egan, Chief Information Officer

Dear Frank,
With our hearts full of appreciation to your dedication, we wouiCJ like to thank you for your incredible job you have done teaching the entire class.
An instructor like you is hard to find. Your talent, patients and devotion made every one of us feel like it was a private class.
Your sense of humor and momentum is the reason we were able to push it through.
You will always be remembered by all of us and be part of the lives we savel
Please accept this as a small token of appreciation to you and your family for what you have done, may you enjoy it in great health.
Best of luck, wishes your students of EMT Class 2015/2016:
Abraham Berger, Dov Dancziger, Joshua Deschino, Yehuda Ehrman, Shmuel Elbaum, Fishel Freund, Joel Gluck, Joel Goldstein, Mordechai Greenberg, Joseph Hechel, Moshe Herzog, Chaim Karpen, Ruben Kibudi, Chaim Knopfler, Yisroel Korn, Berel Krug, Eliezer Biener, Shloimy Moskowits,
Eli Pollack, Raphael Rosenberg, David Schneebalg, Mendy Sofer, Tzvi Spitz, Yisroel Ziegler.

I have worked with Frank on projects for several clients and found his expertise impeccable. Frank is an expert in his field and I have come to rely on him time and again in specialty cases. His technical skills and industry connections make for a perfect package. His knowledge in the Safety & Health/Emergency Medicine field and his professional business style are assets he brings to any client or organization. I have come to know him as a friend and business partner and highly recommend him for any endeavor. Mordy Neuman, Staff Therapist
Dear Frank,
Just a small token of my appreciation for all you've done for me these past several months. With equanimity, grace and seemingly unlimited patience, you've taught, explained and demonstrated the skills we needed to know. We gained from you the knowledge and skills, not only to pass the state exam, but also how to really be exceptional EMTs, on a very practical level, to be able to help others.
Chazal tell us "whoever saves a life, it is considered as if he saved an entire world." About you it can be said, you've saved an innumerable amount of worlds both by direct contact, and primarily through your well trained students.
May Hashem continue to grant you many healthy years, filled with parnassa, sholom bayis, and nachas from your children. Success in all your endeavors, and the strength to be able to continue your very important work.
Yitzchock Stern

Frank was consistently an asset to the Hudson Valley Regional EMS office, lending his expertise to both the Regional Training Committee and the REMAC on a regular basis.
Franks approachable personality and wide area of EMS knowledge made him a "go-to" person time and time again. Frank is truly an EMS professional. Raphael Barishansky, Deputy Secretary for Health Planning and Assessment at Pennsylvania Department of Health
Raphael M. BarishanskyDeputy Secretary for HePlanning and Assessment at Pennsylvania Department of Health
Frank is the greatest instructor one could ask for! Barry Litchter, Director of Operations at Culinary Depot